DUI/DWI Attorney in Laredo, Texas
DUI/DWI Charges Are a Serious Matter. The Cantú Law Firm Can Help.
A DUI arrest is a frightening event for an alleged first-time offender. People facing a first offense DUI conviction have often had no previous interactions with law enforcement. Many have no real drinking problem, but were stopped after a wedding, graduation party or company party where champagne was served or appeared impaired because of the effects of legal prescription medications. Suddenly, a criminal record for the first time is a real possibility.
Drunk driving charges are also very serious for alleged repeat offenders. A second, third or fourth DUI conviction often leads to jail time, high-dollar penalties and revocation of one’s driver’s license.
A Two-Faceted Legal Challenge: Criminal Charges and A Department of Motor Vehicles Matter with Possible Driver’s License Suspension or Revocation
Driving under the influence of alcohol is a crime. It can result in jail time, fees, other penalties and a criminal record. It can also lead to suspension or revocation of driving privileges. Loss of one’s driver’s license and a misdemeanor or felony on record can mean a person cannot get to work — or get a job.
Regardless of the circumstances, the wheels of the criminal justice system start turning once a DUI arrest occurs. Prompt legal representation can make a great difference in the outcome after your first-time or repeat offense DUI/DWI arrest in South Texas.
Keep Your Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) or Personal Driver’s License — Contact an Attorney
A skilled attorney investigates thoroughly in search of the most effective defense in each case:
Did the police stop you without justification?
Did the police neglect to inform you of your rights?
Was the Breathalyzer test potentially invalid for legal or mechanical reasons?
Were roadside sobriety tests potentially unreliable measures of your condition?
Did the police fail to present convincing evidence that you were impaired?
Do the charges not match up with the facts?
Is your agreement to address any alcohol dependency problem a good reason for a judge to keep you out of jail and give you a second chance?
Are you a strong candidate for an occupational driver’s license or for a license, conditional on use of an ignition interlock device?
Every DUI case is unique and presents its own opportunities for a successful defense. These questions highlight various issues that may come to light through a detailed evaluation of your charges. The first step is to call The Cantú Law Firm in Laredo, Texas, at or send an online request to speak with a lawyer.
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